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South Africa’s team shows 14 changes from a week ago with Damian Willemse, who has been moved to fly-half from full-back, the only survivor. SportingPedia uses cookies to distinguish its readers and improve their individual browsing experience. By visiting our website with your browser configured to allow cookies, you agree to our cookies use policy which is explained in detail in our Privacy Policy section. Sweden have seen it all in their last three matches, which gave them four points. First, they went down 0-1 against Denmark, before picking up a 3-3 draw against Norway. Their latest match brought a 2-1 win in their encounter with South Africa. Sweden achieved success in four of their last 10 internationals in all competitions, while three ended in a draw and three in defeat. Kicking off Wednesday at 6 a.m. ET, England is a +135 favorite on the three-way moneyline and is -155 to advance. Australia sits at +210 to win in regular time and is a +110 underdog to advance.