作者: Kurisu (Director T)

[開封] Creative Sound Blaster Omni Surround 5 1

發佈日期: 2013-10-13 撰文:  分類: 全部動態開封系列

Sound Blaster Omni Surround 5.1 delivers cinematic audio immersion to your PC or Mac through a simple USB port. Powered by SBX Pro Studio technology, the external sound card instantly converts your PC or Mac into a 5.1 entertainment system with amazing positional audio and additional customizable audio effects via the included Sound Blaster Omni Control Panel software. It is also ideal for voice communication and features a built-in dual array microphone that seamlessly integrates with proprietary CrystalVoice technology to deliver amazing voice clarity for chatting or recording. And, if audiophile quality listening is your thing, Sound Blaster Omni Surround 5.1 features a 600-ohm headphone amplifier for studio-grade monitoring.
Copyright © 2013 Taleltly Production. All Rights Reserved.

鐵三角 ATH-T500 [TALELTLY開封系列]

發佈日期: 2013-09-22 撰文:  分類: 全部動態開封系列

鐵三角 ATH-T500 搭載大口徑φ53mm驅動單元,實現音樂從纖細到臨場感的完美表現;讓您能享受從電影欣賞到音樂聆賞的樂趣,是一款具有優異的中低音表現的AV耳機,可將各種不同聲音清晰地呈現給聆聽者,帶給您有如身歷其境的感受。抑制振動效果極佳的鋁合金機殼,能再現高品味的音質表現。採用完全不需調整的頭部支撐帶與柔軟的記憶海棉耳墊;如此重視裝戴感的講究設計,讓您更舒適的配戴。適合搭配電視、MP3、隨身聽、隨身CD、收音機、迷你音響…等影音設備使用。
Copyright © 2013 Taleltly Production. All Rights Reserved.

大埔龍尾灘 [TALELTLY特輯]

發佈日期: 2013-07-22 撰文:  分類: 全部動態特輯

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